
Daqing Zhonglan’s hydrogenation team wins youth civilization unit award

来源: ChemChina Petrochemical

The hydrogenation team at Daqing Zhonglan’s operation department No 2 recently won the State-owned youth civilization unit award for 2013 thanks to the ChemChina youth league committee’s recommendation.

The team is indispensable for a 700,000-ton gasoline and diesel oil production unit and is responsible for balancing gas and ensuring high-purity hydrogen and qualified oil products supplies. It has 20 members, with an average age of 37, and is divided into four small groups for 24-hour operations. There has been no accident report from the team since the unit went into operation in October 2010.

The team was named a national safe production model in 2012, an advanced State-owned collective in 2013, and has won various awards, such as the youth civilization unit and advanced team awards.

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