“I have my own dictionary, thanks to people from Zhenghe Group,” said Sun Lilong, a pupil in third grade from Shandong province’s Guangrao county. Sun lost his parents when he was a child and was very grateful for his new Modern Chinese Dictionary. He saluted the young volunteers from Zhenghe. 在“六一”国际儿童节到来之际,正和石化为广饶县贫困学生开通“心愿直通车”,通过结对救助的形式,先后为20名家庭困难的孩子送去了书包、书籍、文具等学习用品,帮他们实现了一个小小的“梦想”,同时也献上了央企职工的一份沉甸甸的爱心。(闫晓强) The company organized a volunteer activity for poor students in Guangrao during International Children's Day. It sent schoolbags, books and stationary to children from 20 poor families to help them realize their dream.
“I have my own dictionary, thanks to people from Zhenghe Group,” said Sun Lilong, a pupil in third grade from Shandong province’s Guangrao county. Sun lost his parents when he was a child and was very grateful for his new Modern Chinese Dictionary. He saluted the young volunteers from Zhenghe.
The company organized a volunteer activity for poor students in Guangrao during International Children's Day. It sent schoolbags, books and stationary to children from 20 poor families to help them realize their dream.