China Top 500 Petrochemical Enterprises Conference, and Transformation and Improvement---China Petrochemical Enterprises Summit Forum were held in Ruichang, Jiangxi Province on September 6th -7th, 2017. Huaxin Petrochemical and Zhenghe Petrochemical were listed as the 62th and 73th places separately among annual top 500 petrochemical enterprises this year. Meanwhile, Huaxing Petrochemical is also listed as the 8th place among China top 100 special chemicals manufacturing enterprises.
Unlike the previous evaluation, the concept of the entire petroleum and chemical industry is considered on the top 500 list at the conference. Petroleum and refining industries are newly taken into account this time so that a panoramic view of China petroleum and chemical industry chain is formed. Under the circumstance, Huaxing and Zhenghe are still listed at the front places. High competitiveness is well proved for these two enterprises.
Supported by China Chemical Industry Information Association, the conference is hosted by China Petroleum& Chemical Industry Federation and China Chemical Enterprise Management Association. It is pointed out in the conference that achievements have been made by China petrochemical industry on exploring advanced enterprise management pattern with Chinese characteristics. Top 500 petrochemical enterprises issued in the conference are not only the leading enterprise, but also they are representatives who have achieved remarkable results. Significant contributions have been made for enterprise management innovation.